Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photo Project - Photograms

 I really liked doing the photogram project since it's been one of the easier ones. The objects I brought in to use were three different keys, one with a tassel, and my mother's pearls. I loved the way it turned out because the tassel is kinda hard to see so you have to look for it :]

Photo Project - Pinhole Images

This is my first pinhole image, the portrait of the face. It was hard to sit still, so it may look a little blurry, but it's my first time even doing it. I only just learned about pinhole camera's and how pinhole images were taken when my бабушка showed me pictures of her mother. 

Found a milk carton outside and decided to take a picture of it. It turned out really awesome and you can even see the writing on the Nutrients label.